
Nakon duže vremena smo se opet družili s jednim Thermalrightovim hladnjakom i podsjetili se kako je riječ o kompaniji koja ima odlične proizvode visokih performansi. AXP-100 je kvalitetno napravljen a po svojim svojstvima i mogućnostima upada otprilike u sredinu između Noctuinih L9i i L12 hladnjaka. L9i je manji, niži i jeftiniji no ima ograničenu primjenu jer podržava samo LGA115x sockete. Po tome je AXP-100 puno bliži L12 hladnjaku koji je nešto većih dimenzija ali i dalje zadovoljava HTPC standarde uz mogućnost kombiniranja ventilatora. Ipak AXP-100 je nešto jeftiniji – na Njemačkom tržištu vrijedi oko 45 € u što ne ulazi cijena 140 mm ventilatora koji se cijeni dodatnih 10 €. I premda je kvaliteta izrade AXP-100 hladnjaka neupitna, baš kao i kod ostalih Thermalright hladnjaka koje smo do sada imali prilik vidjeti, glavna mu je mana kompliciraniji, tj. dugotrajniji način ugradnje. Konkurencija je to ipak malo elegantnije elegantnije riješila. Performanse su na kraju vrlo solidne i AXP-100 može hladiti i moćnije procesore, pogotovo ukoliko montirate 120 ili 140 mm ventilator, uz sasvim prihvatljivu razinu buke.



It has been a while since we tested a Thermalright`s product, and now we have reminded ourselves that they produce quality coolers and fans with high performance, AXP-100 is very well made and with its capabilities falls roughly in the middle between Noctua`s L9i and L12 coolers. L9i is smaller, shorter and cheaper but has limited application because it only supports LGA115x sockets. That makes AXP-100 much closer to L12 refrigerator which is somewhat larger but still meets the HTPC standards with the various possibilities fan positioning. However AXP-100 is slightly cheaper – in the German market is worth around € 45 which. You have to add extra 10 € for the TY141, and that brings you to the L12 territory. Although the quality of workmanship AXP-100 cooler is unquestionable, just as with other Thermalright coolers we’ve had a chance to test, the main flaw is complicated and time consuming method of installation. The competition is simply a little more elegant in that way. Performances are very good and AXP-100 can even handle more powerful processors than our i5-3470, especially if you mount 120 or 140 mm fan. Noise levels are also quite acceptable, which overall makes AXP-100 a very good product.