Ako sagledamo ponudu sličnih proizvoda na tržištu, OCZ Rally 2 nije neki ogroman revolucionar, ali svejedno donosi velike promjene. Brzine čitanja su zaista na visokoj razini, dok kod zapisivanja ne vidimo neki velik pad brzine koji je inače tipičan za uređaje s flash memorijom. Uređaj je kvalitetno napravljen, pametno dizajniran i da je zaštitna kapica na bilo koji način pričvršćena na stick, ne bismo ni trenutka razmišljali o prikladnoj ocjeni za ovaj uređaj. No, ovako smo bili na teškim mukama i opasno morali sagledati svoje kriterije. S obzirom da se Rally 2 sa svojih 2GB kapaciteta opasno približio brzinama čitanja i pisanja našeg apsolutnog rekordera – 512MB izvedbe Apacer Handy Steno HT203, i da osim jednog malog dizajnerskog propusta nema apsolutno nikakvih nedostataka, na kraju smo zaključili da se radi o flash memoriji koju bi i sami rado nosili u džepu što ujedno znači da OCZ Rally 2 dobiva nagradu PC Ekspert Editor’s choice. Uređaj u trenutku objave teksta nije dostupan u hrvatskim trgovinama, no ako uzmemo u obzir cijene u inozemstvu, kod nas bi koštao oko 200 kn.


If we take a look at the big picture, OCZ Rally 2 isn’t much of a flash-drive revolutionary, but it still brings some significant changes compared to other products on the market. It’s reading performance is on a really high level, and writing performance doesn’t drop as much as we’re used to seeing in most flash memory based products. Rally 2 is quite robust and well designed, and if the protective cap was in any way attached to the stick, we wouldn’t have second thoughts about the appropriate award. But, since it’s not absolutely perfect, we had to think really hard to see if this device meets our standards. With everything in mind and especially considering the fact that it is one of the fastest USB flash drives we had pleasure of testing, OCZ Rally 2 clearly deserves our Editor’s Choice Award. At the time of publishing of this articles, OCZ Rally 2 2GB flash drive is not available in croatian stores, but judging by the prices on foreign online shops, it would cost about 200 kn.