
XS35GTA V3 je još jedno u nizu kvalitetnih Shuttleovih Slim PC računala koje je u stanju zadovoljiti potrebe prosječnog HTPC ili uredskog računala uz potpuno bešuman rad. Shuttle je zanimljivom izradom i kvalitetnim pasivnim hladnjacima uspio održati radnu temperaturu solidnih komponenata u razumnim granicama i pri tom pružiti solidne performanse u svega 1.57 litara zapremine. Računalo je dobro sklopljeno uz korištenje kvalitetnih materijala, a nudi i sve moderne komunikacijske (LAN, WLAN), i multimedijalne mogućnosti (diskretna grafika, mogućnost spajanja dva monitora), uz dovoljan broj portova za vanjske uređaje (5x USB2.0, 2x HDMI). Uz to, XS35GTA V3 prima jedan 2.5" disk (HDD ili SSD), uz mogućnost ugradnje Slim optičkog uređaja umjesto drugog diska. Zagrijavanje je kao što smo vidjeli ostalo u granicama normale, pa potpuno bešumno hlađenje svoj posao odrađuje vrlo dobro sve dok u prostoriji nije prevruće. Potrošnja električne energije je vrlo malena, te iznosi svega 22W pri reprodukciji 1080p video materijala ili par W više ukoliko igramo zahtjevniju 3D igru. Novije igre s HD7410M grafikom nećete moći igrati u visokoj razini detalja, no ipak je riječ o grafičkom čipu koji će starije naslove u nižoj rezoluciji i s nižim detaljima pokretati bez problema.

Uz malene dimenzije i malenu masu, te bešuman rad i zadovoljavajuće performanse sigurni smo kako bi XS35GTA V3 pronašao dosta kupaca u Hrvatskoj kada bi bio ponuđen tržištu. No, uvoznika nažalost nema a vani mu se cijena kreće oko 230 €, što je fer iznos kojem treba pribrojati cijenu diska i radne memorije. Za taj iznos će te dobiti HTPC vrlo solidnih mogućnosti ili pak sposobno maleno računalo za rad, surfanje i multimediju kod kuće ili u uredu.



XS35GTA V3 is one of the great Shuttle`s Slim PC`s that is able to meet the needs of an average HTPC use or as a office computer with a noiseless operation. With quality passive cooling system, Shuttle has managed to maintain the acceptable operating temperature and at the same time provide a solid performance in just 1.57 liters of space. This machine is well structured, they used high-quality materials, and it offers all of the modern communications (LAN, WLAN), and multimedia features (discrete graphics, the ability to connect two monitors), with a sufficient number of ports for external devices (5x USB2.0, 2x HDMI). In addition you can mount a 2.5 "disk drive (HDD or SSD); with the optional slim optical drive, or instead of it you can mount the second 2.5" disk. Completely silent cooling is doing a great job, as long as it is not too hot in the room. Consumption of electrical energy is very low and it is only 22W when playing 1080p videos or a couple of watts more if we play demanding 3D game. Newer games will not be playable at a high level of detail with HD 7410M graphics, but older titles in lower resolution and lower detail will run smoothly.

With the small size, low weight, silent operation and satisfactory performance we are sure that XS35GTA V3 would find a lot of customers in Croatia – if we had the distributer here. This way, your only option is to go to foreign web shops and order it. In Germany you will have to pay around € 230, which is a very fair price for all it offers. Of course, one has to add the cost of disk and RAM modules to the base price. For that amount of money you will get a very capable HTPC, or a completely quiet machine for work, surfing the web and multimedia at home or in the office.