
Noiseblocker PRO je serijom ventilatora otišao korak dalje u povećanju performansi i sniženju razine buke u odnosu na prošle godine testiranu BlackSilent seriju. PRO serija donosi i višu razinu opremljenosti (vijci, matice, gumeni čepići, dva kabela različitih dužina, gumeni okviri za eliminaciju vibracija) te ekskluzivnije pakiranje i izgled. Kvaliteta materijala, izrade i završne obrade je na najvišem nivou kod svih modela.

Od 140 milimetarskih modela izdvojiti ćemo PK-2 koji donosi odličan kompomis performansi i razine buke. PK-1 je namijenjen korisnicima izrazito tihih računala, a PK-3 onima željnima najviših performansi uz ipak nešto povišenu razinu buke. 120 mm BlackSilent Pro modeli su najbolji dio NoiseBlockerove ponude. Svi su u radu vro tihi, a osim PL-1 koji ima smanjeni protok zraka, imaju i odlične performanse. PL-1 je baš kao i PK-1 namijenjen onima koji slažu tiha računala, a ostali neće pogriješiti izborom bilo PL-2, bilo PL-PS modela jer oba pružaju dobre performanse uz nisku razinu buke.

Sa MultiFrame S serijom je priča ponešto drugačija. M12-P model je dosta bučan jer mu je maksimala na gotovo 2000 okretaja. Performanse su pri tom odlične, no razina buke po nama to ipak ne opravdava. Ovaj je model malo bučniji i od PK-3, pa ga preporučamo korisnicima kojima razina buke ili ne smeta ili traže vrhunski ventilator za server koji stoji u server sali daleko od ušiju korisnika. M12-PS je drugačija priča, vrlo tih a i dalj eosigurava nisku razinu buke. Konstrukcijski su oba Multiframea vlo zanimljivi i njihovi im gumeni nosači potpomognuti gumenim okvirima drastično umanjuju prijenos vibracija.



With BlackSilent PRO series, NoiseBlocker has gone one step further in improving the performance and noise emmision characteristics in comparison to BlackSilent series we tested last year. PRO series brigns new level of equipment (screws, nuts, rubber plugs, two cables of different lenghts and rubber framework), more exclusive package and design. High material quality, bulid and finish quality are common for all the models.

From 140 mm BlackSilent PRO series we would choose PK-2 model which has the best performance/noise ratio. PK-1 is very quiet but the airflow is reduced – those who bulid quiet PC and need 140 mm fan don`t need to look further. PK-3 has great performance but it is also quite loud. Those who seek maximum performance and don`t have a problem with higher noise levels will enjoy its big airflow. 120 mm models from BlackSilent Pro series are the best among all tested today. Alo of them are very quiet and with the exception of PL-1 have great performanse. PL-1 has reduced airflow but because of that is almost inaudible. Ideal for building a quiet PC. PL-2 and PL-PS are great because they offer great performance and the noise level is very low even at top speed. Great bundle which includes rubber framework for eliminating vibration transfer, also makes PL models an exclelent choice.

Multiframe S series left us suprised with inovative design and lack of vibration transfer, but we also resented the noise level of M12-P model. At full speed it is simply to loud. Performance are great but it is suitalbe only for a server which is located in server room and far away from ears. There it will be a great performer and will create a great airflow for 24/7 powered on servers. M12-PS is a completely different story. It is very quiet even at full speed and the level of performance is still very good.