
Kao i prvo PC Power & Coolingovo napajanje koje smo imali prilike isprobati, 610-vatni Silencer pokazao se kao izuzetno dobar proizvod koji objedinjuje visoke performanse s niskom razinom buke. Nekim korisnicima bi moglo zasmetati činjenica da niti ovaj PC PCP&C-ov uradak ne prati trendu modularnih kabela, no to će nekima iskreno biti prednost, a ne mana. U trenutku pisanja ovih redaka cijena testiranog napajanja u Hrvatskoj iznosi 779 kn što je okvirno odgovara performansama ovog napajanja, te renomeu koji stoji iza imena proizvođača. Jamstveni rok traje 2 godine i realno bi mogao biti duži. Pogotovo ako uzmemo u obzir da Corsair, glavni konkurent OCZ-a, nudi petogodišnje jamstvo na vlastita napajanja.


Just like the first PC Power & Cooling unit we tested (CrossFire Silencer 750 W), 610 watt Silencer performed admirably and showed very good performance in combination with silent operation, despite the fact that it doesn’t use 120mm, but a single 80mm fan. Some users might object manufacturers decision to forgo modular cables, but we think fixed or modular cables are truly a matter of user prefence. At the time of writing of this article, price of tested PSU in Croatia was 779 kn (that’s about 109 € including our local, pretty high, VAT). Warranty period for PC Power & Cooling products in Croatia lasts two years. Its ok, but at the same time it could be longer considering that OCZ’s main competitor, Corsair, offers 5 year warranty for same time of product.Of course, we have to amplify that PC Power & Cooling offers 5 years factory warranty for its products but taking advantage of this service will force you (if you live in Croatia, of course) to send faulty PSU back to manufacturer via mail or some courier service.